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Cloffice: get to know this trend

    The year 2020 showed that having an appropriate environment to work or study from home is essential. This, combined with the increase in people working from home, led to a trend growing: the cloffice. 

    This term is the combination of two words: closet + office. Translated into Portuguese, it is the union of closet and office. The trend is to set up a work area inside a piece of furniture.   

    cloffice favors the organization of the workplace and saves space. The big advantage is that it can be mounted in any “corner” of the room, in the living room, bedroom, balcony and even in the closet itself.  

    There are many ways to set up a cloffice. A niche in the living room wall, with shelves to store work materials and also decorative items. In that useless space between the wardrobe and the wall. Like a closet compartment, just open the door and start working…  

    One tip is that the cloffice is made with custom furniture. This way, you ensure that it occupies the best that the space has to offer, harmonizes with the rest of the furniture and has a high quality finish and materials. 

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