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Environments that tell stories

Since 1971, Sandrin has understood that environments are part of our history, after all, they are where it is built and lived.

And furniture is an inseparable part of this process. Therefore, the essence of Sandrin creations, since their conception, has always been that the more welcoming a space appears, the greater the possibility that moments of affection will be lived there.

The stories we live throughout our lives are set in our homes, those of our dearest family and friends — and everything that makes them up. Over the years, the stories are sown and then blossom as affective memories. And whenever they come to mind, they warm the spirit: it's life happening again there. And being able to revisit the stories is a privilege. As Gabriel García Márquez said, “life is not what we lived, but what we remember”.

In July 2023, Sandrin celebrates its 52 years of history with employees, customers, partners, retailers and the community. We are aware that celebrating achievements, growth and success over the years is only possible due to everyone's contribution. Therefore, sharing this moment, for us, is fundamental.

Sandrin wishes us to continue together for many years, contributing so that, with furniture that is timeless and, at the same time, modern and welcoming, many other stories are lived, remembered and revisited. For the coming years, inspiring memories are the chapters that Sandrin Planejados wants to continue writing.

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